Selected Work

  • Bright Light Burning

    In Bright Light Burning, audience members step into the shoes of migrants in the year 2100. Gathering in a holding space, they await the next step of their journey away from the equator toward the still-temperate regions near the Arctic Circle.

    Within this gathering, performers emerge to soothe anxious souls with stories of their ancestors and visions of the future, conveyed through poetry, narrative, and song. These narratives prompt reflection on the stories our descendants will share about us and the future we are crafting for them. Past and future converge in a poignant moment of shared mourning and collective healing.

  • A Thousand Ships at the Bottom of the Sea

    Adapted from Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, this site-specific play invites the audience inside the royal house of Atreus for a celebration of Agamemnon’s return home from the Trojan War.

    This play was workshopped by Theatre for a New Audience in the Spring of 2021. It is currently being developed with The Theatre of Others and PEM International. The excerpt is a draft.

  • Limb from Limb

    In February 2026, when it became clear that COVID-25 would drive us into our homes for the second time this decade, The Theatre of Others was forced to postpone its in-person production of Limb from Limb, an adaptation of Euripides' The Bacchae. Reimagining the production for a digital space, the result is this intimate version of the ancient, still-devastating story, now told through four monologues over Zoom.

    This play was produced by The Theatre of Others in January of 2021.

  • Negligence

    A man all alone at the end of the world finds a bundle in the road, motionless and silent. Is it a baby? Is it a bomb? The answer leads us on a journey in which the man demands the cost of our indifference be acknowledged and asks what it means to be human.

    This play was produced by The Theatre of Others in Singapore in 2011. It was subsequently workshopped at Chautauqua Institution in the summers of 2012 and 2013.

  • Adam's Dream

    Adam and Eve flee a collapsing society determined to craft a better world of their own. They have two sons, one named Cain and one named Abel. Cain kills Abel and runs back to the same world his mother and father left behind.

    This play was my MFA thesis at Columbia University and was written under the mentorship of Edward Bond. A reading was presented by Columbia Stages in the Spring of 2010.